Cheek, M., Challen, G. Merklinger, Molmou,,D. (2013) Breynia disticha a New Invasive Alien for Tropical Africa. Aliens 33: 32-34.
Magassouba, S., Camara, B., Guilovogui, K., Cheek, M., Couch, C., Lopez Poveda, L., van der Burgt, X., Bachman, S. & Harvey, Y., (2014). Hunting Threatened taxa of Guinea. Abstracts of the XXth AETFAT Congress, South Africa, 2014. Scripta Bot. Belgica 52: 255.
Couch, C., Molmou, D., Camara, B., Cheek, M., Merklinger, F. Davies, L. Harvey, Y., Lopez Poveda, L. & Redstone, S. (2014). Conservation of Threatened Guinean Inselberg Species. Abstracts of the XXth AETFAT Congress, South Africa, 2014. Scripta Bot. Belgica 52: 96.
Cheek, M., Poveda, L.L. & Molmou, D. (2015). Tarenna hutchinsonii (Rubiaceae) redelimited, and T. agnata described from W. Africa Kew Bulletin 70. DOI 10.1007/S12225-015-9560-2
Cheek, M. & Williams, T. (2016). Psychotria samoritourei (Rubiaceae), a new liana species from Loma-Man in Upper Guinea, West Africa. Kew Bulletin 71: 19. DOI 10.1007/S12225-016-9638-5
Cheek, M., Haba, P.M. (2016) Inversodicraea Engl. resurrected and I. pepehabai sp. nov. (Podostemaceae), a submontane forest species from the Republic of Guinea. Kew Bulletin pp71:55
Cheek, M., Haba, P.M. (2016) Spiny African Allophylus (Sapindaceae): a synopsis. Kew Bulletin pp71:57
Charlotte Couch, Sékou Magassouba, Denise Molmou, Isabel Larridon, Martin Cheek. (2017). Tropical Important Plant Areas - A case study from Guinea. European Conference of Tropical Ecology: 388-388
Darbyshire, I., Anderson, S., Asatryan, A. et al. (2017) Important Plant Areas: revised selection criteria for a global approach to plant conservation. Biodivers Conserv .
Couch C, Magassouba S, Rokni S, Cheek M. (2017) Threatened plants species of Guinea-Conakry: A preliminary checklist. PeerJ Preprints 5:e3451v1
Martin Cheek, Sekou Magassouba (2018) L'Importance de la conservation des plantes en Guinee. Guide a l'intention des enseignants du secondaires.
Cheek M, Magassouba S, Howes MR, Doré T, Doumbouya S, Molmou D, Grall A, Couch C, Larridon I. (2018) Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae), a new cliff-dwelling genus with chemically profiled colleter exudate from Mt Gangan, Republic of Guinea. PeerJ 6:e4666
van der Burgt, X.M., Molmou, D., Diallo, A., Haba, P.M., Magassouba, S. (2018). Talbotiella cheekii (Leguminosae: Detarioideae), a new tree species from Guinea. Kew Bull. 73: 26
DOI 10.1007/S12225-018-9755-4
Cheek, M., Magassouba, S., Molmou, D., Doré, T.S. et al (2018). A key to the species of Keetia (Rubiaceae - Vanguerieae) in West Africa, with three new, threatened species from Guinea and Ivory Coast. Kew Bull. 73:56. doi 10.1007/S12225-018-9783-0.
Couch C, Magassouba S, Rokni S, Cheek M. (2018) Threatened plants species of Guinea-Conakry: A preliminary checklist. PeerJ Preprints 5:e3451v1
Cheek, M., Molmou, D., Jennings, L., Magassouba, S., van der Burgt, X.M. (2019) Inversodicraea koukoutamba and I. tassing (Podostemaceae), new waterfall species from Guinea, West Africa. Blumea 64: 216–224.
Burgt X. M. van der, Konomou G., Haba P. M. & Magassouba S. (2019) Gladiolus mariae (Iridaceae), a new species from fire-free shrubland in the Kounounkan Massif, Guinea. – Willdenowia 49: 117 – 126. doi:
Couch C, Magassouba S, Rokni S, Canteiro C, Williams E, Cheek M. (2019) Threatened plants species of Guinea-Conakry: A preliminary checklist. PeerJ Preprints 5:e3451v1
Couch C, Cheek M, Haba P, Molmou, D, Williams J, Magassouba S, Doumbouya S, Diallo M Y. (2019) Threatened Habitats and Tropical Important Plant Areas of Guinea, West Africa. Solopress, UK.
Couch C, Cheek M, Haba P, Molmou, D, Williams J, Magassouba S, Doumbouya S, Diallo M Y. (2019) Habitats Menacés et Zones Tropicales Importantes pour les Plantes (ZTIP) de Guinée, Afrique de l’Ouest. Solopress, UK.
Cheek M, Haba, P.M, Konomou, G, and van der Burgt, X.M. (2019) Ternstroemia guineensis (Ternstroemiaceae), a new endangered cloudforest shrub with neotropical affinities from Kounounkan, Guinea, W Africa. Willdenowia 49(3), 351-360.
Xanthos M, Konomou G, Haba P.M, van der Burgt X.M. (2020) Trichanthecium tenerium (Poaceae: Panicoideae), a new species from Guinea-Conakry. Kew Bull 75, 11 (2020).
Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah, Robert Douglas Stone, Pepe M. Haba, Sékou Magassouba, Gudrun Kadereit, and Xander M. van der Burgt. (2021) "Phylogenetic placement of Cailliella praerupticola (Melastomataceae), a rare, monospecific lineage from Guinea, West Africa," Willdenowia 51(1), 47-56, (9 March 2021).
Xanthos, M., Konomou, G., Haba, P.M. van der Burgt X.M. Ctenium bennae (Poaceae; Chloridoideae), a new rheophytic species from Guinea-Conakry. Kew Bull (2021).
Xander M. van der Burgt, Pepe M. Haba, Sékou Magassouba, and Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah "Benna alternifolia (Melastomataceae: Sonerileae), a new herbaceous genus and species from Guinea, West Africa," Willdenowia 52(1), 25-37, (16 February 2022).
Cheek, M., Molmou, D., Magassouba, S. and Ghogue, J-P. (2022) "Taxonomic revision of Saxicolella (Podostemaceae), African waterfall plants highly threatened by Hydro-Electric projects", Kew Bulletin 77: 403-433.
Couch, C., Molmou, D., Magassouba, S., Doumbouya, S., Diawara, M. et al (2022) "Piloting development of species conservation action plans in Guinea." Oryx
George Gosline, Ehoarn Bidault , Xander van der Burgt, Daniel Cahen, Gill Challen, Nagnouma Condé, Charlotte Couch, et al. (2023) A Taxonomically-verified and
Vouchered Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea. Sci Data 10, 327 (2023).
Cheek, M., Molmou, D., Gosline, G., Magassouba, S. (2024) Keita (Aptandraceae-Olacaceae s.l.), a new genus for African species previously ascribed to Anacolosa, including K. deniseae sp. nov., an Endangered submontane forest liana from Simandou, Republic of Guinea. Kew Bull.
George Burton, Benedetta Gori, Saidou Camara, Paolo Ceci, Nagnouma Condé, Charlotte Couch, Sékou Magassouba, Maria S. Vorontsova, Tiziana Ulian, Philippa Ryan. 2024. Landrace diversity and heritage of the indigenous millet crop fonio (Digitaria exilis): Socio-cultural and climatic drivers of change in the Fouta Djallon region of Guinea. Plants, People, Planet:
Nagnouma Condé, George Burton, Maimouna Touré, Benedetta Gori, Martin Cheek, Sékou Magassouba, Paul Wilkin, Charlotte Couch, Philippa Ryan. 2024. The biocultural heritage and changing role of indigenous yams in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. Plants, People, Planet :
Magassouba, S., Camara, B., Guilovogui, K., Cheek, M., Couch, C., Lopez Poveda, L., van der Burgt, X., Bachman, S. & Harvey, Y., (2014). Hunting Threatened taxa of Guinea. Abstracts of the XXth AETFAT Congress, South Africa, 2014. Scripta Bot. Belgica 52: 255.
Couch, C., Molmou, D., Camara, B., Cheek, M., Merklinger, F. Davies, L. Harvey, Y., Lopez Poveda, L. & Redstone, S. (2014). Conservation of Threatened Guinean Inselberg Species. Abstracts of the XXth AETFAT Congress, South Africa, 2014. Scripta Bot. Belgica 52: 96.
Cheek, M., Poveda, L.L. & Molmou, D. (2015). Tarenna hutchinsonii (Rubiaceae) redelimited, and T. agnata described from W. Africa Kew Bulletin 70. DOI 10.1007/S12225-015-9560-2
Cheek, M. & Williams, T. (2016). Psychotria samoritourei (Rubiaceae), a new liana species from Loma-Man in Upper Guinea, West Africa. Kew Bulletin 71: 19. DOI 10.1007/S12225-016-9638-5
Cheek, M., Haba, P.M. (2016) Inversodicraea Engl. resurrected and I. pepehabai sp. nov. (Podostemaceae), a submontane forest species from the Republic of Guinea. Kew Bulletin pp71:55
Cheek, M., Haba, P.M. (2016) Spiny African Allophylus (Sapindaceae): a synopsis. Kew Bulletin pp71:57
Charlotte Couch, Sékou Magassouba, Denise Molmou, Isabel Larridon, Martin Cheek. (2017). Tropical Important Plant Areas - A case study from Guinea. European Conference of Tropical Ecology: 388-388
Darbyshire, I., Anderson, S., Asatryan, A. et al. (2017) Important Plant Areas: revised selection criteria for a global approach to plant conservation. Biodivers Conserv .
Couch C, Magassouba S, Rokni S, Cheek M. (2017) Threatened plants species of Guinea-Conakry: A preliminary checklist. PeerJ Preprints 5:e3451v1
Martin Cheek, Sekou Magassouba (2018) L'Importance de la conservation des plantes en Guinee. Guide a l'intention des enseignants du secondaires.
Cheek M, Magassouba S, Howes MR, Doré T, Doumbouya S, Molmou D, Grall A, Couch C, Larridon I. (2018) Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae), a new cliff-dwelling genus with chemically profiled colleter exudate from Mt Gangan, Republic of Guinea. PeerJ 6:e4666
van der Burgt, X.M., Molmou, D., Diallo, A., Haba, P.M., Magassouba, S. (2018). Talbotiella cheekii (Leguminosae: Detarioideae), a new tree species from Guinea. Kew Bull. 73: 26
DOI 10.1007/S12225-018-9755-4
Cheek, M., Magassouba, S., Molmou, D., Doré, T.S. et al (2018). A key to the species of Keetia (Rubiaceae - Vanguerieae) in West Africa, with three new, threatened species from Guinea and Ivory Coast. Kew Bull. 73:56. doi 10.1007/S12225-018-9783-0.
Couch C, Magassouba S, Rokni S, Cheek M. (2018) Threatened plants species of Guinea-Conakry: A preliminary checklist. PeerJ Preprints 5:e3451v1
Cheek, M., Molmou, D., Jennings, L., Magassouba, S., van der Burgt, X.M. (2019) Inversodicraea koukoutamba and I. tassing (Podostemaceae), new waterfall species from Guinea, West Africa. Blumea 64: 216–224.
Burgt X. M. van der, Konomou G., Haba P. M. & Magassouba S. (2019) Gladiolus mariae (Iridaceae), a new species from fire-free shrubland in the Kounounkan Massif, Guinea. – Willdenowia 49: 117 – 126. doi:
Couch C, Magassouba S, Rokni S, Canteiro C, Williams E, Cheek M. (2019) Threatened plants species of Guinea-Conakry: A preliminary checklist. PeerJ Preprints 5:e3451v1
Couch C, Cheek M, Haba P, Molmou, D, Williams J, Magassouba S, Doumbouya S, Diallo M Y. (2019) Threatened Habitats and Tropical Important Plant Areas of Guinea, West Africa. Solopress, UK.
Couch C, Cheek M, Haba P, Molmou, D, Williams J, Magassouba S, Doumbouya S, Diallo M Y. (2019) Habitats Menacés et Zones Tropicales Importantes pour les Plantes (ZTIP) de Guinée, Afrique de l’Ouest. Solopress, UK.
Cheek M, Haba, P.M, Konomou, G, and van der Burgt, X.M. (2019) Ternstroemia guineensis (Ternstroemiaceae), a new endangered cloudforest shrub with neotropical affinities from Kounounkan, Guinea, W Africa. Willdenowia 49(3), 351-360.
Xanthos M, Konomou G, Haba P.M, van der Burgt X.M. (2020) Trichanthecium tenerium (Poaceae: Panicoideae), a new species from Guinea-Conakry. Kew Bull 75, 11 (2020).
Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah, Robert Douglas Stone, Pepe M. Haba, Sékou Magassouba, Gudrun Kadereit, and Xander M. van der Burgt. (2021) "Phylogenetic placement of Cailliella praerupticola (Melastomataceae), a rare, monospecific lineage from Guinea, West Africa," Willdenowia 51(1), 47-56, (9 March 2021).
Xanthos, M., Konomou, G., Haba, P.M. van der Burgt X.M. Ctenium bennae (Poaceae; Chloridoideae), a new rheophytic species from Guinea-Conakry. Kew Bull (2021).
Xander M. van der Burgt, Pepe M. Haba, Sékou Magassouba, and Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah "Benna alternifolia (Melastomataceae: Sonerileae), a new herbaceous genus and species from Guinea, West Africa," Willdenowia 52(1), 25-37, (16 February 2022).
Cheek, M., Molmou, D., Magassouba, S. and Ghogue, J-P. (2022) "Taxonomic revision of Saxicolella (Podostemaceae), African waterfall plants highly threatened by Hydro-Electric projects", Kew Bulletin 77: 403-433.
Couch, C., Molmou, D., Magassouba, S., Doumbouya, S., Diawara, M. et al (2022) "Piloting development of species conservation action plans in Guinea." Oryx
George Gosline, Ehoarn Bidault , Xander van der Burgt, Daniel Cahen, Gill Challen, Nagnouma Condé, Charlotte Couch, et al. (2023) A Taxonomically-verified and
Vouchered Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea. Sci Data 10, 327 (2023).
Cheek, M., Molmou, D., Gosline, G., Magassouba, S. (2024) Keita (Aptandraceae-Olacaceae s.l.), a new genus for African species previously ascribed to Anacolosa, including K. deniseae sp. nov., an Endangered submontane forest liana from Simandou, Republic of Guinea. Kew Bull.
George Burton, Benedetta Gori, Saidou Camara, Paolo Ceci, Nagnouma Condé, Charlotte Couch, Sékou Magassouba, Maria S. Vorontsova, Tiziana Ulian, Philippa Ryan. 2024. Landrace diversity and heritage of the indigenous millet crop fonio (Digitaria exilis): Socio-cultural and climatic drivers of change in the Fouta Djallon region of Guinea. Plants, People, Planet:
Nagnouma Condé, George Burton, Maimouna Touré, Benedetta Gori, Martin Cheek, Sékou Magassouba, Paul Wilkin, Charlotte Couch, Philippa Ryan. 2024. The biocultural heritage and changing role of indigenous yams in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. Plants, People, Planet :